Saturday, October 07, 2006

Poor Burn Wood – Health & Global Warming Problem

How about a big push using nuclear power plants to generate electricity and solar box cooking for rural developing countries to improve the quality of life for many of ther world’s inhabitants, better manage the world’s forests, reducing greenhouse gas emissions to address global warming concerns?

See Solar Box Cookers, it includes:
■ “Half the inhabitants of Earth cook over woodfires. Nearly half the world's wood supply is used as fuel. But there's not enough of it to go round -- more than 2 billion people now face shortages of fuelwood.”

■ “Forests in the developing countries are shrinking by more than 15 million hectares a year. The critical forest-to-people ratio has never been lower -- worldwide, it is now less than half what it was in 1960.”

■ “Deforestation leads to soil erosion, floods and climate change, severe environmental degradation, and increasing poverty and hunger.”

■ “Solar box cookers produce no smoke and no pollution”

■ “Woodsmoke from cooking fires causes respiratory infections which kill at least 5 million young children each year.”

■ “Indoor smoke pollution now ranks 8th in health burden worldwide (lost years of healthy life)”

■ “Independent research indicates that indoor air pollution is a contributory cause of around two million deaths in developing countries. Acute respiratory infections, ear and eye problems, breathlessness, chest pains, headaches and giddiness are just some of the symptoms that poor woman and children suffer in their rural homes. And the cause? Smoke from cooking.”

■ “The WHO [World Health Organization] says diseases spread through contaminated water cause 80% of the world's illnesses. Solar box cookers can pasteurize drinking water: UNICEF estimates that 60% of rural families and 23% of urban families in developing countries are without safe water”

■ “too often it [wood] isn't properly burnt: cooking fires are often inefficient, wasting energy, failing to combust the wood properly, contributing to greenhouse gas release and creating severe indoor smoke pollution.”

See Prior Post: Nuclear Power Resurgence


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