Sunday, July 29, 2007

Iraq War Going Better Up 50% in Poll According to New York Times

See Same Old Question, Different Answer July 29, 2007 New York Times
The New York Times headline could have been
Iraq War Seen as Going Better Up 50% in Poll.

■ “There was also a drop in the number of people who said the war was going badly. In the latest poll, 66 percent of Americans said things were going badly for the United States in its efforts to bring stability and order to Iraq. That is down from 76 percent who said the same thing in May.”
Let me do the math from the positive side was 24%, is now 34; so 34 minus 24 equals 12. And 12 divided by 24 equals a percentage increase of 50%

Or headline could have been
Support for the Initial Invasion of Iraq UP 20% in Last Two Months – Perhaps Surge Seen as Working

■ “Support for the initial invasion of Iraq, as measured by a question The New York Times/CBS News Poll has asked since December 2003, increased modestly compared with two months ago”. “Forty-two percent of those polled said the United States did the right thing, and 54 percent said the United States should have stayed out of Iraq. The last time the question was asked, in May, 35 percent said taking military action against Iraq was the right thing and 61 percent said the United States should have stayed out.”
Let me do the math from the positive side was 35%, is now 42; so 42 minus 35 equals 7. And 7 divided by 35 equals a percentage increase of 20%


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