Tuesday, March 15, 2011

400,000 Birds Killed Every Year in America by Wind Turbines

400,000 Birds Killed Every Year in America by Wind Turbines
See http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704296604576197023673837168.html?mod=WSJ_newsreel_opinion
NOTABLE & QUOTABLE Wall Street Journal MARCH 15, 2011
Raffi Khatchadourian on the BP oil spill in the New Yorker, March 14:

"It is possible to fight a forest fire and not be distracted by how the calamity was caused, and whether the cause taints the integrity of the people who deal with it. But oil spills are saturated in blame and political confusion—and opportunity. There is a sense that they are not accidents but accidents waiting to happen, and thus acts of greed. As a result, oil-soaked birds and fish come to symbolize a reviled industry's heedless behavior. Every year, as many as four hundred thousand birds are killed in America by electricity-generating wind turbines, but they do not make the cover of Time."

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