Monday, October 24, 2005

Will Fitzgerald Indict Karl Rove?

Will Fitzgerald Indict Karl Rove?
See October 24, 2005 The Belmont Club. Wretchard’s observations are right on and include:
“And although the Fitzgerald inquiry is ostensibly about stopping leaks, no one actually wants them to stop. An amicus curae brief filed by 36 media organizations including ABC News, AP, CNN, CBS News, WSJ, Fox News, USA Today, NBC News, Newsweek, and Reuters, argued that it would be a bad idea to force journalists to identify the purveyors of confidential information.

Leaks are used to source stories, to start investigations; leaks are even used to track the progress of investigations into leaks. The only thing in the universe more useful than duct tape or WD-40 is the leak. Therefore even those who hope Karl Rove or Scooter Libby are indicted are praying it will be on grounds of perjury or obstruction of justice, lest the whole show grind to a screeching halt.”

See Prior Posts:
Democrat NY Attorney General Eliot Spitzer Misuses Prosecutorial Power
Lawsuit That Sank New Orleans


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