Sunday, October 08, 2006

New York Times Headline "Republicans Tolerant of Gays"

Not really the front page New York Times October 8, 2006 article headline is Foley Case Upsets Balance of Gay Republicans, but in the article it says in paragraphs 19, 20, and 21:

■ “In contrast to what many view as the right’s increasingly antigay rhetoric, members of both parties say there has been a growing tolerance for gay men and lesbians within the Republican ranks.”

■ “ ‘There’s been a change from 20 years ago when people used to be hyperconscious of staying in the closet,’ said Steve Elmendorf, an openly gay Democratic strategist who was the chief aide to former Representative Richard A. Gephardt of Missouri”

■ “Robert Traynham, the top communications aide to Senator Rick Santorum, Republican of Pennsylvania, [who] had been openly gay for years, but that was not widely known in his professional life — until a gay rights advocate revealed his sexual orientation last year. Mr. Traynham confirmed the report, and Mr. Santorum issued a statement in support of his aide.”


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